Benefits of Membership
As a member of the ISBA, you are among 1,300+ other beekeepers, many with decades of beekeeping experience. You may interact with these members at our annual meetings as well as at the meetings of our local, affiliate associations. Since the ISBA works closely with the Illinois Department of Agriculture (IDoA), you have access to state agricultural news that may impact your beekeeping activities. Liability Insurance
As an ISBA member, you are covered by a substantial liability policy while attending all ISBA meetings and the regular meetings and events of your local association (when officially affiliated with the ISBA). For more information regarding this policy, please contact the ISBA Membership Director or the Treasurer, or download a detailed information sheet on the documents page ISBA Google Group (not yet active)
We maintain this website as well as our Google Group to disseminate information among our membership, stimulate interest in beekeeping and provide an information resource for the experienced and beginners alike. You must be a member (as a member of an ISBA affiliated beekeeping association or as a Member at Large) of the ISBA in order to join the ISBA Google Group. It will require a free Gmail account be created if you do not already have one. GOOGLE GROUP FORUM NOT YET ACTIVE
Collaboration Opportunities
ISBA members are provided many opportunities to improve Illinois Beekeeping by educating others about the importance of honeybees and their keepers. The ISBA is well represented at the Illinois State Fair and, through its affiliates, at many county and local fairs. Volunteers are always needed at fairs, to set up exhibits, speak to school groups and represent ISBA at universities and agricultural expositions. Your contributions are limited only by your imagination. |
Two ISBA meetings (Summer and Fall) each year offer the opportunity to learn from leading researchers and apiculturists, all while renewing old friendships and discussing local, state, and national news with your peers. ISBA Bulletin
Members receive a newsletter semi-monthly which features original articles, monthly columns and notices of upcoming events. Discounted Journal Subscription Rate
Members receive 25% discounts on the American Bee Journal. To receive these discounts, please mention your ISBA membership status when ordering your subscription. Bee Culture also offers discounted subscriptions to ISBA members. Click here for the latest discount rate sheet from Bee Culture Heartland Apiculture Society
The ISBA is a charter member of the Heartland Apiculture Society (HAS), a regional conference of eight, state Beekeeping associations in the U.S. Midwest. Each year, HAS calls together leading research scientists, apiculturists and expert beekeepers to conduct educational lectures and workshop sessions where you can learn the latest bee research results and techniques to advance the art of beekeeping. American Beekeeping Federation
The ISBA maintains affiliate membership with the American Beekeeping Federation (ABF), a nationwide beekeeping organization. The ABF represents U.S. beekeepers at the national level and maintains a number of research grants and programs. Each year the ISBA sends two delegates to the ABF convention to represent Illinois beekeepers. The delegates then report their convention observations to the ISBA membership via the ISBA Bulletin. |
Membership is open to all persons interested in Honey Bees and is usually part of joining a local affiliated association. To join the ISBA and a local association, please contact an affiliate association which is closest to you. To join as a 'Member At Large', just complete and mail the ISBA application found here
If there is not an affiliate organization close to you
Join the ISBA without joining an affiliate association you can complete the application form found here. Or you can contact the ISBA Membership Director, and send your $10 annual membership dues (make your check or money order payable to the Illinois State Beekeepers Association) to the below:
(be sure to include your name, address and phone number and an email address).
Illinois State Beekeepers Association
P.O. Box 21094
Springfield, IL 62708
(be sure to include your name, address and phone number and an email address).
Illinois State Beekeepers Association
P.O. Box 21094
Springfield, IL 62708