As of 2/11/2025
The FY2024 Illinois Dept of Agriculture Apiary Report to the Governor and the ISBA is available at the below link on our website as are past reports dating back to 2004
IDoA Annual Apiary Report
IDoA Annual Apiary Report
If your beekeeping association has a change of officers or directors for 2025....
- Please email the respective contact information for the officers and/or directors to be listed on the Affiliate Associations page for your association to Steve Petrilli: [email protected]
- If your association has a website, please ensure the new officer information is listed on your website so it can be verified. If your association does not have a website or if your website is not updated, the submitted information, it will need to be verified before the ISBA website is updated.
Check out the Summary of Events page for educational opportunities which we have been made aware of.
If there is an educational opportunity your ISBA affiliated beekeeping association is conducting or sponsoring, please send the information via email to the ISBA webmaster, Steve Petrilli at [email protected] , for consideration and publication on the ISBA Summary of Events page of the website.
If the timing permits, it may also be published in the next issue of the ISBA Bulletin.
If there is an educational opportunity your ISBA affiliated beekeeping association is conducting or sponsoring, please send the information via email to the ISBA webmaster, Steve Petrilli at [email protected] , for consideration and publication on the ISBA Summary of Events page of the website.
If the timing permits, it may also be published in the next issue of the ISBA Bulletin.
- If you have not defined your apiary (bee yard) locations to Beecheck.org, you should!
- It is free to create an account on Beecheck.org and register (define) all of your bee yard locations.
- The annual renewal is also free.
- You can access Beecheck via a browser or the new app recently available for Apple and Android devices
If you are growing specialty crops you should define those locations on the Driftwatch.org side.
Licensed and responsible applicators (aerial or ground) are supposed the check for any bee yards or specialty crops near the area of application.
The Beecheck.org site has links to the Driftwatch site for the specialty crop grower and links to the Fieldcheck side of Driftwatch where licensed applicators should register.
What is the Illinois State Beekeepers Association?
The Illinois State Beekeepers Association (ISBA), your source for information on Honey Bees, Honey, Stinging Insects, Products of the Hive, Swarms, and Beekeeping in Illinois. You will find information for the beginner as well as the veteran beekeeper.
The ISBA was organized in 1891. Over the past 132 years the ISBA has developed a strong working relationship with local beekeeping associations throughout the State and with the Illinois Department of Agriculture (IDoA). The purpose of the ISBA is to promote interest in Honey Bees and Beekeeping by encouraging good beekeeping practices in Illinois, the utilization of Honey Bees for the pollination of agricultural crops and the dissemination of information about Honey Bees and beekeeping.
Through many activities and programs, the ISBA assists in making beekeeping both a pleasurable and profitable enterprise for beekeepers in the state. The ISBA recognizes the importance of a viable Honey Bee population to the continuing economic success of Illinois agriculture and horticulture.
In addition to serving its Illinois resident beekeeping members, the ISBA is a source to those who are interested in beginning beekeeping, have a general interest in honey bees or have experienced problems with honey bees or other stinging Insects in their home or residential area.
Membership is open to all persons interested in honey bees and is usually part of joining a local, affiliate association. To join the ISBA and a local association, please contact an affiliate association nearest to you.
If there is not a local association near you or one you care to join, you can join the ISBA directly as a 'Member At Large'. To join as a 'Member At Large', just complete and mail the ISBA application found here.
The ISBA was organized in 1891. Over the past 132 years the ISBA has developed a strong working relationship with local beekeeping associations throughout the State and with the Illinois Department of Agriculture (IDoA). The purpose of the ISBA is to promote interest in Honey Bees and Beekeeping by encouraging good beekeeping practices in Illinois, the utilization of Honey Bees for the pollination of agricultural crops and the dissemination of information about Honey Bees and beekeeping.
Through many activities and programs, the ISBA assists in making beekeeping both a pleasurable and profitable enterprise for beekeepers in the state. The ISBA recognizes the importance of a viable Honey Bee population to the continuing economic success of Illinois agriculture and horticulture.
In addition to serving its Illinois resident beekeeping members, the ISBA is a source to those who are interested in beginning beekeeping, have a general interest in honey bees or have experienced problems with honey bees or other stinging Insects in their home or residential area.
Membership is open to all persons interested in honey bees and is usually part of joining a local, affiliate association. To join the ISBA and a local association, please contact an affiliate association nearest to you.
If there is not a local association near you or one you care to join, you can join the ISBA directly as a 'Member At Large'. To join as a 'Member At Large', just complete and mail the ISBA application found here.
- If you accidently or intentionally unsubscribed from ISBA emails, we cannot send you another email until you opt back in to receive them.
- You can opt back in to receive emails by clicking here and completing the form.
A prescription from your doctor is required to obtain an Epipen. Most doctors will write an Epipen Rx for you if they are aware you are a beekeeper.
Mylan, the manufacturer of the Epipen and Epipen Jr is offering a savings card for 2024 which can save you up to $300 for each 2-pak. They also offer a $25 discount card on a generic version. Not all insurance plans qualify, but if yours does, it is worth the time to visit the Mylan site at the below link to ascertain if your insurance does qualify: